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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Blue Whale Challenge Game Download

Blue Whale Challenge APK
Downloads: 3052
 Updated: May 09, 2017
 Category : Music
 Requires:Android 4.0+
(3010 votes, average: 4.05 out of 5)

 Here we provide Blue Whale Challenge V 1.1 for Android 4.0++ Here it is, the new challenge, the Blue Whale game, You only have 50 days to complete all the tasks, you should start now!

The Blue Whale app has a challenge inside, you must complete all the tasks, one per day, do not miss anything.

The app has a game inside that you must finish to unlock the daily tasks, to finish the game you only need to score 100 points

The tasks are fun free stuff to do with your friends and family, at the end of the 50 days we are sure you will be more happy, and confident in yourself.

This game does not support any negative behaviour of any kind, we strongly believe that life is something precious and we should cherish for it.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Journey To The West 2 Full Movie Download (English Subtitle)

Journey To The West মুভিটি খুব Popular  ছিল।

মুভিটির ধারাবাহিকতা  নিয়ে ফিরে এসেছে

Journey To The West 2 (Demons Strike Back)

Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (Chinese : 西遊伏妖篇) is a 2017 Chinese
fantasy- adventure - comedy film directed by Tsui Hark and written and produced by Stephen Chow . The film is a sequel to the 2013 film Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, which was directed, written, and produced by Chow.

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Journey To The West Full Movie (Hindi Dubbed + English Subtitle)

অসাধারণ একটা মুভি

মুভি টা বারবার দেখার মত

যারা Fantasy মুভি পছন্দ করেন তাদের জন্য খুবই চরম একটা মুভি

Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (Chinese: 西遊·降魔篇) is a 2013 fantasy comedy film co-written, produced, and directed by Stephen Chow. The movie was first announced in July 2011 and was released on February 10, 2013 in China. The film is a loose comedic re-interpretation of the novel Journey to the West, a Chinese literary classic often believed to be written by Wu Cheng'en.

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Kung Fu Panda 3 Hindi Dubbed Animated Movie

কুংফু ফু পান্ডার অারও একটি মাস্টার পিস। এনিমেশন, ফ্যান্টাসি মুভিগুলো দেখতে বসলে যেন চোখের পলকই পড়েনা।

৫০০ বছর পর কায় পৃথিবীতে অাসে। তারপর চালাতে থাকে তান্ডব। তাকে রুখতে পারবে সেই যে সত্যিকারের chi জানে। কে সোই হিরো জানতে হলে ঝটপট দেখে ফেলুন মুভিটি।

মুভিটিতে কণ্ঠ দিয়েছেন অ্যান্জেলিনা জোলি, জ্যাকি চ্যান, জ্যাক ব্লাক, কেট হাডসন। মুভিটির অাইএমডিবি রেটিং ৭.২ এবং রোটেন টমাটোজ ৮৭%।

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Friday, August 25, 2017

Me Before You Full Movie (With Bangla Subtitle)

রোমান্টিক লেখিকা  জোজো ময়েসের লেখা যদি কেউ পড়ে থাকেন তাহলে অবশ্যই Me Before You পড়ে থাকবেন। আর যদি না পড়া থাকেন তাহলে অবশ্যই দেখে ফেলুন। জোজো ময়েসের  Me Before You উপন্যাস অবলম্বনে ২০১৬  সালে পরিচালক থিয়া শারকএর পরিচালনায় মুক্তি পায় Me Before You সিনেমাটি।
সিনেমার গল্প Will Traynor (Sam Claflin) নামে এক  সম্ভ্রান্ত ঘরের প্রতিবন্ধী ছেলে কে নিয়ে। জীবনে সবকিছু ছিল তারকাছে কিন্তু ভাগ্যের নির্মম পরিহাসে সে এক দুর্ঘটনার শিকার হয়ে প্রতিবন্ধী হয়ে পরে এবং খুব তাড়াতাড়ি সে এগিয়ে চলেছে মৃত্যুর দিকে। কারোর সাহায্য ছাড়া সে একপাও চলতে পারে না। মৃত্যু কে তারজীবনের অবশ্যম্ভাবী সত্যি মনে করে নেয়। এইসময় তার দেখাশোনা করতে আসে  "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) .Lou জীবনে সবকিছুতে বার্থ কিন্তু হাসি ও চেষ্টা তারজীবনের প্রধান শক্তি। বার বার বার্থ হয়েও উঠে দাঁড়ায় Lou .Lou আর Will এর মধ্যে দারুন একটা সম্পর্ক তৈরী হয়.জীবন কে নতুন করে চেনার চেষ্টা করায়  lou will কে।
      জীবন যুদ্ধে একজন হেরে যাওয়া মানুষকে নতুন করে বাঁচতে শেখার গল্প  Me Before You.একটা মানুষ সে অন্যের ওপর নির্ভরশীল যার জীবনে সব থেকেও আর কিছুই নেই সেরকম  একজন মানুষের মুখে হাসি এনে দিয়েছে .LouWill Traynor  চরিত্রে  দারুন অভিনয় করেছেন .Sam Claflin .পুরো সিনেমা তে একটা wheelchair এ বসে অভিনয় এমন কি কোনো অঙ্গ প্রতঙ্গের নড়াচড়া নেই। Lou চরিত্রে Emilia Clarke খুব সুন্দর। দারুন প্রানোচ্ছল।তথাকথিত রোমান্টিক সিনেমার মতন happy ending হয়তো নেই কিন্তু শেষে একটা সুন্দর স্পর্শ রেখে যায়
Me Before You.রোমান্টিকপ্রেমিদের তো ভালো লাগবেই। সিনেমার background music খুব ভালো লেগেছে।মানুষের জীবনে নানা রকম পরিস্থিতি আসে খুব খারাপ সময় হয়তো ইচ্ছে করলেও নিজের মনের শক্তি দিয়ে অনেক কিছু করা যায়  হয়তো সবসময় সফল হওয়া যায় না তবু চেষ্টা কিছুমুহূর্তের আনন্দ দেয়।প্রেমের এক অদ্ভুত সংজ্ঞা  Me Before You.. এরকমই একটা ঘটনা Me Before You.

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Munafik 2016 Full HD Movie

আমার দেখা Horror Movie গুলোর মধ্যে একটি অন্যতম Movie.
এটি একটি ইসলামিক Horror Movie!
যারা Horror Movie দেখতে পছন্দ  করে তাদের কাছে অবস্যই ভালো লাগবে।
IMDb Ratings 7.4
Munafik is a 2016 Malaysian horror movie which was directed by Syamsul Yusof. This film tells about Adam, a Muslim medical practitioner who is unable to carry on his job and accept the reality of his wife's death. After he meets Maria, unsettling things start to happen. This movie was released on February 25, 2016.

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Adam, a traditional religious medical practitioner, and his wife got into an accident which caused his wife's death. Adam struggles to cope with the loss of his wife which has shaken his strong faith in religion and also stopped helping cure others as he feels 'incompetent' in his job.
He eventually meets Maria, who suffered from depression. She later gets possessed by an evil spirit, in which Adam has no choice but have to help cure her. He however stumbles upon more revelations linking Maria to the accident that killed his wife.
Adam then tries to cure Maria in her house with the help of his friend. Maria's spirit was too strong that his friend had to stop reciting his prayers to cure Maria. Maria's spirit laughs and pushes him against the wall. Adam, shocked by what was going on, continues reciting his prayers and then exorcises the spirit out of Maria's body.
Adam still could not accept the fact that his wife was dead and furiously wants to know who is the killer. Later, Adam's imam, Ali was found dead. His friend gets the news first and contacts Adam, who ended up ultimately shocked. His son also calls him to tell that his grandfather has gone out of the house. He also mentioned that his mother took care of him after his father went out. Adam, furious that the topic of his wife had somehow been brought up again since her death, yells at his son on the phone and slams it. In his sleep, Adam later dreams of himself digging out his wife's grave to prove his son that his mother was dead.
Adam insisted to Azman that all the happenings in the village are connected to Maria's demonic disturbances, with Imam Ali's death and Pak Osman's disappearance being the latest of events. He went home confronted by Fazli who shows hatred towards Adam. Thereafter Adam got a call from Zati that Pak Osman has been found.
At Maria's place, Zati and Maria claims that they have uncovered who is behind all the disturbances. However, upon going into Pak Osman's room, Adam finds he is still missing and questions Zati and Maria, only to realise that they were apparitions and that he's been tricked into coming by the demonic entity.
At the hospital, Maria gets constantly chased by evil spirits. She tries to run away into the mortuary to find some comfort only for the spirit to continue following her. Adam finds the talisman which Imam Ali originally was holding before his death, doubting Zati and believing the talisman may be the cause of the recent incidences. He receives a call from Maria saying that she has been holding a dark secret with her and is willing to share. Maria also said that she cannot stand the torment she's going through any longer.
Adam rushes to Maria, despite his father's call for him to come back as he wishes to talk over the misunderstanding between him and Shah, confusing Adam even more. At the place where Maria is, Adam found her only to be attacked by demonic forces. Maria was seemingly thrown off a storey, fatally wounding her. Adam rushes to her side only to have the hard truth revealed to him; Maria has been the cause of the accident leading to his wife's death, and that she was controlled all along by the same demonic force haunting the village, and that is Pak Osman.
Pak Osman reveals himself to have sold himself to the Devil for the riches of the world. Angry of the fact that Adam's faith in God has allowed many others to follow suit, including Maria herself, he sought to use Maria as a puppet to kill Adam in the car accident. A bolt of lightning strikes Pak Osman as he mercilessly attacks Adam.
Adam's dad arrived on the scene to unravel the misunderstandings; revealing that the reason Shah has been displaying uncanny behaviours to him was that he seemed to think his son, Amir had been alive all along, when in reality he also died from the same accident that killed his wife. Knowing this final truth, Adam runs away in sadness; asking help from God to grant him the strength to live and ease him of the hardships gone through.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Pursuit of Happiness (Best Hollywood Movie Ever)

মুভিটা জাস্ট অসাধারন ।  জীবনে আসল সুখের সঙ্গা জানার জন্য এই মুভিটা অন্তত দেখা দরকার।  একটা মানুষ একটা দিন, একটা মাস একটু ভালভাবে থাকার জন্য কি করতে পারে তা বুঝতে পারবেন।  জীবনের খারাপ সময়গুলোতে কিভাবে নিজেকে মানাতে হবে তা বুঝতে পারবেন।  সময় যে কি ইম্পরটেন্ট জিনিস তা বুঝতে পারবেন। কোন কিছুর জন্য তার পেছনে লেগে থেকে সেটা জয় করা যায় সেটা উপলব্ধি করতে পারবেন। 
আর মুভিতে Chris Gardener (Will Smith) এর অভিনয় দেখার মত।  তার ছেলে Christopher ৫ বছর এর হয়েও অনেক ভাল অভিনয় করেছে।
Chris Gardener এর একটি ডায়লগ : You got a dream,  you gotta protect it.  People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Toilet Ek Prem Katha 2017 (Leaked) Movie Free Download HD Cam

মুভিটার অনেক ভালো রিভিউ এবং নাম-ডাক শুনে দেখার লোভটা সামলাতে পারলাম না।

ভারতের ৩৪% Public-এর বাড়িতে Toilet নাই! তারা (নারী+পুরুষ+শিশু) সবাই আগানে-বাগানে প্রাকৃতিক ডাকে সাড়া দেয়। নায়িকা Bhumi Pednekar বিয়ের আগে জানতো না যে নায়ক Akshay Kumar এর বাড়িতে Toilet নাই! শিক্ষিত মেয়ে হয়ে সে আগানে-বাগানে কি আর ওসব করতে পারে! আমাদের মেয়েরাই চিন্তা করুন ব্যাপারটা। নায়ককে ভালোবাসা সত্বেও Toilet না থাকা নিয়েই শুরু হয় জট 😂

ভারতের এসব মূর্খতা, অপসংস্কৃতি, অধর্ম এসব দূরীভূত করার মতো চমৎকার একটা মুভি।

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Point Break (Hollywood Movie )

মুভিটা দেখতে বসলে প্রথমেই আপনার মনে হবে এই বুঝি আপনার স্নায়ু ভেঙ্গে পরল। জনি এফবি আই এর একজন প্রশিক্ষণার্থী।  তার প্রথম মিশন শুরু করে দুনিয়া বদলে দিতে চায় এমন কিছু তরুন কে ধরার জন্যে। দুনিয়া বদলে দিতে চাওয়া এই তরুনদের ধারনা আট টা অতি বিপদজনক কাজ করলে তাদের ভেতরে একটা আধ্যাত্মিক শক্তি চলে আসবে। এই কাজগুলো করতে গিয়ে জীবন দিতে কিংবা নিতে তাদের কোন দ্বিধাবোধ নেই। তো কি সেই ভয়ংকর আট টি কাজ যা দেখে আপনার স্নায়ু হয়ে যাবে টানটান।  জানতে হলে দেখে ফেলুন অসাধারণ এই সিনেমাটি।
Imdb রেটিং ৫.৩। কিন্তু পরিসংখ্যান সব সময় সত্য বলে না।

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Puran Dhaka

Charming Old Dhaka
Old Dhaka 12, watercolour, 60x60cm.
For those who have grown up in Old Dhaka, it is a place that holds the best memories of one's life. It's vibrant culture and old world charm has captured the hearts of many, especially those who have seen it in its past splendour.
Purana Dhaka is a symbol of old-fashioned, restful living in peace and harmony. Foods like 'Kachhi Biryani' 'Nanna Biryani', 'Haji Byryani', 'Paneer Bakarkhani' are synonymous with Old Dhaka.
For artists Old Dhaka has been a treasure trove - with its quaint lanes and Moghal architecture and a timeless warmth that has been captured again and again on canvas.
Talking to artists - senior and junior gives an idea of the things that have stayed on in their consciousness and invariably found their way into their works.
Rafiqun Nabi went to Pogos High School in Victoria Park. It is an old school, established in 1848. In fact the entire area housed other famous schools such as St Gregory's, Jubilee School and St Xavier's School, "There was also Collegiate High School" remembers Nabi, "Qayyum Bhai had begun Art School, which was also located there. There was also The National Medical School, Mukul Cinema Hall, now Azad Cinema Hall." It was started by Mukul Babu and Rub Babu. "They showed a lot of good films there, mainly Bangla films but also foreign films such as those by Kourosawa. At that time I was in class 8 or 9. The Bazar, bank area, included the State Bank and the Central Bank. From this point other areas such as Islampur, Patwatully, Lalbagh, Gandaria developed. Wari and Gendaria were the homes of the affluent. The zamindars and judges lived here. Here was also the huge factory of Jogesh Chandra's medicine Shadhana.. In the shools where we studied were the children of the well-to-do , who had not then as yet fled to safety in India. In the 50s, they slowly departed. Most of the teachers were Hindus.”
Nabi talks about Sadarghat which was another world in itself. It was where steamers with wheels could be seen. "There was a bus service that carried small buses past Patwatully, Chawk Bazar to New Dhaka—on the other side of the rail line," recalls Nabi. "The bus service would return via Nawabpur. The Fulbaria station is now what we know as Bongo Bazar. The Hatirpul station went by Tejgaon. Behind the Shahid Minar, and past the Enginering University the road was then a railway line. The road went off to Tongi, Hatirpool was there to cross the rail line below. People also believe that the elephants of the nawabs went by this Hatirpool.
Qayyum Chowdhury adds that he came to Dhaka in 1948. "I wanted to enrol into Dhaka Art College." "The rail line that Nabi talked about—one portion was based on Sadarghat, Old Court House Street and from Nawabpur began the railway crossing.
Old Dhaka
"At that time the new Dhaka that we know was only fields. It was like a village," says the celebrated artist.
Qayyum lived in Shiddeshari and recalls the day to day life in this charming part of town: "One could get a bus from Purana Paltan turning. One had to walk some of the way. Horse driven carriages ran. When women went by rickshaw, the rickshaw was always covered by a sari. This was a sort of “purdah”.
"Qamrunessa School was then at Hatkhola. If the girls went by carriage, they sometimes peeped through the wooden shutters. The main part of Dhaka at that time was around Sadarghat. The court, English Road were found there. When Gulistan cinema house was being built, the Fulbaria station was a busy part of the town bubbling with activity. At 8pm we would return home walking to Shideshari. We watched plays at the Nawab Ali Institute were stage plays. There we saw Sikander Abu Jafar's 'Sirajuddaula'. This was in the mid 60s. Dhaka has a history of 400 years—and goes back to the days of the Moghul rulers. Ahsan Manzil, Islampur, Maulvi Bazar are all part of that period.
“Sadarghat had a beautiful walk. Buriganga was then a clear and calm river. One could see the bottom, if one were travelling to Keraniganj. Often we kept company with Zainul Abedin, when he went on his boat trips. The paddled boats would call here. The steamers had quaint names like 'Kiwi'. There were many good restaurants there, like the 'Riverview Café'. There were also cinema cabins. This was like 'Rupmahal' , 'Shabistan' and 'The House of English Movie'. The Anglo-Indians came for the English films during the morning show. Most of the workers of the vast network of the railway were Anglo Indians. On the road that went by the Telephone Office were their quarters. Nearby was the Ritz restaurant, next to the Britannia where the Anglo Indians gathered. They played music and danced morning and evening. Now this community has moved overseas. The boarding houses like “Beauty Boarding” were also cultural centres.
Artist Nisar and his family used to live in a colony near Dhakeshwari Mandir. It was near the Engineering University Quarter. "In the '65 war we dug trenches in this field", says Nisar. "Near the pond were huge rain trees. When it rained heavy, baby eagles and chicks of crows would fall on the ground and I at the age of four would take great pleasure in bandaging the young birds up.
Behind were Lal Bagh and Dhakeshwari Colony. Till China Building we had the area to play to ourselves. At China building we could get fine marbles to play with. We had tops to twirl as well as fine kites to play with. This was a centre for artisans skilled in making toys. They would make fine bangles too. Many of the vendors may have come from Bihar.
Old Dhaka
Expression of Nature 8. watercolour, 45x64cm.
Old Dhaka
Engaged in Thinking, water colour.
"People like Quamrul Hassan came to our house to make posters during the pre-Liberation time, paper cones full of scrumptious food used to arrive at a certain part of the house, which was hidden away from obvious notice—to carry on with the anti-government work.
At the Pilkhana Gate, during the 'Gono Andolan” and the “Six point Demand” we had this house near the PilKhana to make the large banners. Hidden away was a space, which was not easily discovered—where the large paintings were executed in secrecy. This was during the sixties.
Some of the foods that Nissar recalls include 'bundia' 'keema puri', 'tikia kabab', 'sutli kabab', 'borhani', 'kalya', 'shoal fish kabab'.
"My early years were spent in Puaran Dhaka", says Ranjit Das. "Everyone's early years influences him deeply. I enjoy both urban and rural life. My early memories consist of the festivals. 'Pahela Baishak , flying kites and 'Pujas' plus the two 'Eids' and 'Muharram' were elements one cannot delete from the mind. It's all part and parcel of our happy, carefree days of childhood. The Chawk Bazar rutis were like sculptures. There were the forms of alligators and lions. Today, in modern art, we see giant-sized burgers. During 'Sehri' there was singing and people going from door to door. Drums were played, in the process. In the month of 'Paush' there was the kite festival. Each one tried to cut and collect as many kites as possible. It was called 'Ghuri- Kata Kati.” As my younger brother stays there, it is natural that I should visit the place from time to time. He lives in Shakhari Bazaar. They make the bangles from sea shells, which come from Sri Lanka. The craftsmen here cut out jewellery from the shells. They make necklaces, bangles and earrings. Earlier on, in Tanti Bazar , as also here, one got chokers, 'balis” of rose and geometrical patterns. Silver and gold craftsmen used to thrive here 30 years ago.
Music was a family tradition for Ranjit; all his brothers and sisters took an active part in musical programmes.
"I feel that Puran Dhaka, as a heritage must be preserved at all costs, and elements like high-rise buildings should be avoided—if possible and probable" says Ranjit. "We have many mosques, and temples and homes of the well-to do —which are only collapsing relics due to lack of care."
Talking about Puran Dhaka, painter Queenie says that people who have homes there do not usually wish to leave their premises. “For them the neighbours are like a family. Whenever they want, they drop in, and make themselves at home—there is not the need of prior phoning" she says.
“They tend to give a lot of importance to food," she adds "In the new part of Dhaka, in Dhanmondi for instance, one is lucky to get even a cup of tea, especially at the houses of the well to do.
"For them guests are blessings. They love to entertain these visitors with all their heart. Their traditional food, as we know is cheese Bakarkhani –which has come down from the time of the Turks in the Indian Subcontinent. Biryani, 'Mansur mithai' and Halim are well-known products of this area. It is from here that the 'Nihari' has developed too.
Dhaka grew bit by bit since the sixties. From Elephant Road, one got New Elephant Road. A road went from New Market past Hathir Pool. It even crossed the Airport Road. What goes past the Science Laboratory, got the name New Elephant Road. Artist Abul Barq Alvi has witnessed these changes while growing up.
"We used to go for outdoor painting in the area of the 'Boro Katra' and 'Choto Katra'. There was a 'ghat' where one witnessed goods being loaded and unloaded around the Buriganga River.
Instead of trucks, boats were the means of transportation of goods and men. These boats would go by Buriganga and Sitalakhya. It was from here that products ended up in the markets all over Dhaka. There was also the rail line which was as it is today. Traffic jams were unheard of in those days.
“Life in Puran Dhaka is still very vibrant. Each person knows the next individual. This phenomenon does not exist in New Dhaka."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017

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DeshBashi To (Remake) | Tom & Jerry Version

Monday, August 7, 2017

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BD Politician Song (Despacito Version)

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BD Politician Song (Despacito Version)

BD Politician Song BD Politician Song (Despacito Version)